What's new in version 31? 1. New function for merge vertices (remove redundand) from teslate area. Setting teslate area - 'set t.area' button. Merge - 'Rm red ver' button - remove redundand vertices. 2. Button 'Z redu care' for merge vertices options. Take care about Z coord when merge is launched. (off/on) options are avialable. 3. Executbale file not included in package. I get infecetd on some malware - - vir sets all files and directoriies from usb sticks attribute to "hidden" and "system". To reset this attributes use "attrib -S -H z: /D" command. In z: place insert letter of infected drive. To get executables compile win3ds31.asm file from /src directory. 4. New teslation from selected teslate area function. (use 't&d wh|pos' button to select if all triangles or only triangles with positiv Z coeficient of normal vector will be teslated and 'Tes Wh/Tar' button to select if whole object or only from selected teslate area will be teslated (use first 'whol' and second 'Whol' and hit 'do triang' button a few times - will fast produce object ~1000000/~1500000 vertices, some side opperations will be avoid...)) 5. Bit polished edges calculating function. (Bug of inaccurate deteting if edge possesed only by one triangle was on the end). This fix allow properly teslate some objects - bug in previous versions. 6. Bit fixed flat shading function. 7. Merge verts, teslate, calculate chunks, remove unused verts functions based on sorted pivot tables. I use qsort function on previously mixed list to sort - this allow fast work on big objects. Maciej Guba, Feb 2022. Enjoy !