App "View3ds" - it's very early, still unfinished version but I want show you it. Based on earlier demos. What's new? 1. 3ds object import as a parameter ( for now only short names supported ) I updated Kfar app - it can run view3ds with parameter. You must copy it on ramdrive. You could do such funny thing: Run updated Kfar in KolbrInWin, before them set in KolInWin.ini file path to ramdrive, where yo have "view3ds", choose 3ds file ... Emulator will run View3ds with selected file. If no parameter specified, app try open tpot.3ds from ramdrive. If tpot.3ds don't exist on rd, app hang. 2. Many lights. Every light - unlinear model ( Phong illumination ). For now no light setting option. 3. Light buffer for grd, flat model.