App View3ds ver 0.01 What new was implemented ? 1. Object generating (for now only one). When no parameter specified or error occured during reading file from disk, app generate object. No teapot.3ds needed on ramdrive, but, if this file exist it would be read as default. 2. Bug in read_from_file procedure fixed. (In May, when I made shading light vector depend, I demaged bit Madis' procedure.) 3. Backface culling on/off option. (Some objects need culling off - they have mismatched normal vectors. Example: iron.3ds, sink.3ds, the generated one.) 4. Random lights procedure. 5. Spherical (instead old - planar ) bump, texture mapping. 6. Bit improved menu. 7. Blur. Buttons description: 1. rotary: around axis y, x, z. 2. shading model: flat shading, gouraud(smooth) shading, spherical environment mapping, bump mapping, texture mapping. 3. speed: standard(idle), full. 4. zoom out/in: no comment. 5. catmull: off - depth sorting drawing metod; on - Zbuffer metod ( discovered by Catmull in 1975) 6. backface culling: on/off - on: faster rotary, off: better image 7. random light: create 3 random unlinear (Phong illumination), directional light. Calculate color buffer. 8. blur: off/1/2/3/4/5 - blur N times or set off 9. add vector: x,y,z +- translate object General tip: Best image - catmull=on, culling=off Take it and be happy :D Macgub November 2006